The Rummage Sale is coming!

Mark you calendars, set your alarm clocks, tape it to your fridge, write it on your hand or whatever it takes but SAVE THE DATE!
WomanKraft Indoor Rummage Sale is
Friday, January 20 and Saturday, January 21, 2017
both days from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM!
Join us for great bargains for a great cause- all proceeds go towards our non-profit art center. The sale will be held inside and heated, spreading throughout our entire gallery space.
WHERE: 388 south Stone Avenue – just 4 blocks south of ‘city center’, Broadway Blvd and Stone Avenue, on the West side of the street, directly across the street from Casa Vicente Spanish Restaurant, and the Downtown Motor Hotel “Apartments”
WHEN: Friday, January 20 & Saturday, January 21, 8 A.M.–4 P.M.
WHAT: All kinds of great things! Recipe books, art books, trashy novels, fancy hats, a scuba suit, lamps!…Art supplies, kitchen stuff, knick-knacks, clothes, tools, toys, movies, garden stuff, plants, household items, all you can think of and more! All items for sale are in good, clean and working condition.
This sale – our biggest bi-annual fundraiser, takes a huge amount of effort and time! WomanKraft volunteers could sure use some help setting up this event, Thursday, January 19th from 10 AM until it’s done.
Then, after setting up and selling for 4 days, we really could use some fresh help boxing and loading everything; we start at 4:01 Saturday afternoon.
Please call to schedule your participation. (520) 629-9976. Thanks!

WomanKraft holds a Rummage Fair twice a year, in January and August. This fantastic indoor, two-day event is not to be missed! If you need anything, we might have it. And if you have things you’d like to pass on, if it’s clean and it works, we’ll take it! Clothes, shoes, kitchenware, knick-knacks, books, movies, vintage items, holiday decorations, toys, tools and more. The proceeds from this fundraiser goes towards paying our property taxes, utility bills and insurance. Call (520)629-9976 ext. 1 for more info.
As a volunteer run non-profit organization, WomanKraft relies on the generosity of our community, so come support your favorite local arts organization, get a great bargain, and get rid of that box of stuff you’ve been meaning to donate.
IS IT TOO LATE TO DONATE? No! Don’t worry, WomanKraft accepts donations for this event ALL year round, so if you haven’t gotten around to boxing up your unwanted items, no rush! We’ll need it for the next one, too!

Show: February 4 – March 25, 2017 Evening Receptions: February 4 + March 4, 7-10pm
Dragons, faeries, unicorns, elves, sprites, spirits, gods and goddesses, stuff of myth and legend.. Through art we can bring fantasy to reality. All mediums accepted.
Deadline for submissions: Jan. 21, 2017. Call Director of Exhibits Zoe Rhyne at (520) 629-9976 ext. 3 to schedule an appointment.
Early in January, WomanKraft held its annual Board Meeting. Minutes are available upon request. Just call Grace at (520)629-9976 EXT. 1 if you would like a copy.