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Tag: local art in Tucson
Happiness Is…
Hello all you Lovely Folks!,
It is hard to believe that a month has gone by so quickly!
The second reception for our current show is upon us. Please join us and experience the happiness and joy that art can bring us.
When: October 5th, 2019
7-10 pm
Where: WomanKraft Art Center
388 S Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701
We look forward to seeing you!
The Esperanza Dance Project and WomanKraft are teaming up to bring you a multi-dimensional performance fundraiser on March 23rd and 24th!!
Where: WomanKraft Art Center, 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
When: Saturday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 24th. Performances 2-4 PM, Reception 4-6 PM. Suggested Donation of $10.
Please join us for a very special performance and reception on Saturday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 24th. from 2 to 6pm. Esperanza company members will present and perform brand new choreography specific to WomanKraft’s unique performance spaces. Audience members will be taken on a guided tour to view 5 mini performances by the dancers, as well as a featured section from Esperanza’s multimedia performance, “House of Hope”.

Esperanza Dance Project performs at WomanKraft March 23+ 24th, 2 PM
Saturday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 24th. 2 PM
“Getting Into Shapes”, a show about non-traditional explorations of artwork.
- “Surfin’ Power Ranger” Found Object by Grace Rhyne
- “Cowgirl Up!” Collage on Vinyl by Gayle Swanbeck
Feeling like some inspiration might do your creative journey some good? We recommend a visit to the WomanKraft gallery.
- 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
- This show runs through March 31, open weekly Wednesday – Saturday, 1-5 PM.
These artists are thinking outside the box – come inside and take a look.
- “European Princess” Recycled Metal by Josh Smith
- “Prince Charming” Recycled Metal by Josh Smith
- “American Princess” Recycled Metal by Josh Smith

“Day of the Dead Hearts” Hand-Sewn by Debra K. Martinez
The Rummage Sale is COMING.
For the month of January, only, the gallery is closed.
BUT !!!
we still have amazing things happening down at WomanKraft… Including classes and workshops, and our biggest
our baddest
or MOST outrageously bargained
January 18+19, 2019
The Rummage Sale is WomanKraft’s largest bi-annual fundraiser. While the gallery is closed in January, we spend the whole first half of the month setting up for this event, which takes place indoors. (mmm, nice and cozy shopping weather!)
We have clean, in good condition, working items for sale to everyone for AMAZING prices.
JOIN US on Friday and Saturday, January 18+ 19th from 8AM to 4 PM both days.
What can you find at the RUMMAGE SALE?
Good question! From a huge collection of LP’s, novels, cook books, dishes, ART SUPPLIES, cute shoes, clothes for the whole family, bedding, fancy shmancy decorations, chachkis, household tools, small appliances, furniture… THE LIST GOES ON.
Some super exciting special treats we have for this sale include:
-a red leather electric recliner
-a Chinoiserie Cabinet we think dates back the the 1910-1920’s
-a caterer’s dream kitchen – all KINDS of amazing kitchen necessities (No really – like every utensil and appliance you could possibly imagine, in amazing condition! Plus all the cookbooks you’ll ever need to accomplish your most amazing meal)
-frames, art books, art supplies, craft supplies…
And so much more we couldn’t possibly list it all here!!!
JOIN US January 18th + 19th, 2019 8 AM to 4 PM both days. That’s friday and saturday, folks!
But We need your help!
Our Rummage Sale is just around the corner, and we sure could use some additional helping hands to set up this amazing event!
The sale sprawls across 4+ rooms, and we need volunteers to help set up and display all the goodies that will be for sale. Set up will be Thursday, January 17th from 10 AM until we’re done. If you want to schedule participation, call (520)629-9976 Extension 1.
Thank you!!
PLUS! Setting up means you get first pick of all the amazing, amazing items for sale… Which is like, super exciting. Seriously.
WomanKraft Art Center is hosting a huge indoor RUMMAGE SALE!!
WHERE: 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
WHEN: Friday, January 18th and Saturday January 19th, both days 8:00 AM -4:00 PM *No early birds!!*
WomanKraft, a 501 (c)3 non-profit arts organization hosts it’s annual largest fundraiser- your greatest bargain of the year, our biggest event!
WHAT: From toys, decorations, collection of art books, fabulous recipe and cookbooks, novels, every kitchen and catering device you may every need, ART SUPPLIES, technology, clothing, shoes, small furniture… there is DEFINITELY something for everyone! THE SALE RUNS Friday and Saturday, January 18 + 19th, 8am – 4pm both days.
Please call (520)629-9976 ext. 1 for details and to schedule participation. Volunteers needed!
The Castle Voice is HERE!!!
The newest edition of The Castle Voice Newsletter is finally here!
This new catalog has all the events, classes, workshops, exhibits and more for the months of January through April, 2019. Click the picture below to download your very own virtual copy!!
Pleas join us as the WomanKraft Art Center is hosting a huge indoor RUMMAGE SALE!!
WHERE: 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
WHEN: Friday, January 18th and Saturday January 19th, both days 8:00 AM -4:00 PM *No early birds!!*
WomanKraft, a 501 (c)3 non-profit arts organization hosts it’s annual largest fundraiser- your greatest bargain of the year, our biggest event!
WHAT: From toys, decorations, collection of art books, fabulous recipe and cookbooks, novels, every kitchen and catering device you may every need, ART SUPPLIES, technology, clothing, shoes, small furniture… there is DEFINITELY something for everyone! THE SALE RUNS Friday and Saturday, January 18 + 19th, 8am – 4pm both days.
Please call (520)629-9976 ext. 1 for details and to schedule participation. Volunteers needed!
The Holiday Bazaar, “Green Friday” and BINGO Night!
- “Cactus Honey Darling” Acrylic on Canvas by Grace Rhyne
- “Rock with Chili” Acrylic on Stone by Elizabeth Wolf
The WomanKraft Art Center is proud to announce the 31st Annual “HOLIDAY BAZAAR”. A Tucson tradition, this art exhibit features work by local artists in a variety of media and subject matter, all with affordability in mind, all work for sale retailing for $100 or less..
Evening Reception Saturday, December 1st.
Join us for an evening reception celebration on Saturday, December 1st, from 7-10 PM. Free and open to the public, refreshments will be served.
- Evening Reception for “The Holiday Bazaar”
- @ WomanKraft, 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
- 7:00-10:00 PM. Free and open to the public.
Thanksgiving is OVER and it’s BINGO TIME!
Do you have plans for the day after Thanksgiving? Come to Bingo at WomanKraft! Entry is $5 General public, $3 WomanKraft members
Friday, November 23rd 7:00 – 9:00pm.
With your entry price you get your 1st Bingo card. Additional cards are $1 each! Prizes include plants, art, delicious homemade treats… and more! Refreshments will be served.
Friday, November 23rd 7:00 – 9:00pm
388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
Green Friday, too!
We will continue WomanKraft’s tradition of “Green Friday” this year. Join us the day after Thanksgiving on Friday, November 23rd, from 1-5 PM for a chance to support WomanKraft, local artists, and the Tucson Community Food Bank! If you bring 2 or more cans of non-perishable food, get 10% off your purchases here at WomanKraft! This includes all artwork sales, gift certificates, classes and workshops through the School of the Arts. Let’s use this opportunity to support local and get some beautiful, one of a kind gifts and art for anyone on your list! 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701.
Call to Artists: The 31st Annual Holiday Bazaar @ WomanKraft
Want to submit work in an upcoming exhibition at WomanKraft? Here’s your chance!!
Call to Artists.
WomanKraft is currently seeking submissions for the 31st Annual
“HOLIDAY BAZAAR”. A Tucson tradition.
Calling all local artists..
- This exhibit will feature work by local artists in a variety of fine crafts and art that reflect the diversity of the Holiday season.
- In the spirit of gift giving, all work needs to retail for $100 or less.
Interested in participating in this event? All work must be presented in person to Director of Exhibits Zoe Rhyne. Call (520)629-9976 extension #3 to schedule appointments.
Subject matter is open.
The theme of this exhibit is restricted only to the price range. That means, the subject matter and media is up to the artist. You can expect to see a huge variety in fine crafts and art, exploring many themes and ideas.
Something for everyone
All artists are encouraged to submit work and participate in the show, and everyone is welcome to come and support it. A great place to find unique gifts for your loved ones and emerge yourself in the Tucson art scene. This event is free and open to the public.
Catch “Reflections” currently on Display at WomanKraft!
The current exhibit at WomanKraft, “Reflections” explores the theme of reflections in many shapes, forms and puddles.
Open to the public every Wednesday-Saturday from 1-5 PM.
388 S Stone Ave.
It’s not too late to catch our latest exhibit, “REFLECTIONS”
WomanKraft Art Center, 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 629-9976
WHAT: Evening Reception Celebration
WHERE: 388 S. Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701
WHEN: Saturday, October 6th, 7-10 PM
All new art exhibit at the WomanKraft Art Gallery featuring work exploring the theme of REFLECTIONS including functional mirrors, self portraits, water paintings, resin arts and many more.. Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Want to see more about this exhibit? Head over to our gallery page to see more artwork currently on display! (Just click here!)
Upcoming Event in October! Join us for Scary-oke! Karaoke Night in the Gallery!!
WomanKraft Art Center, 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 629-9976
WHAT: Scary-oke! Karaoke Night @ WomanKraft Gallery!
WHERE: 388 S. Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701
WHEN: Friday, October 26th, 7-9 PM
Join us the Friday before Halloween for a scary good time! Come dressed in your halloween finery and give your costume a trial run.. Tickets are $5 non-members and $3 WomanKraft members. Muahahaha! Refreshments will be served.
“Reflections” New Exhibit Opening + The Castle Voice is here!!
An all new art exhibit opens this Saturday
Opening Reception
- “Narcissus Pussisus” by Tony Di Angelis.
- “You and Me in the Desert You See:” By Anna Kopsa
They say that art is a window to the soul, let’s make that window a mirror.
Let us Reflect through Art.
All new art exhibit at the WomanKraft Art Gallery featuring work exploring the theme of REFLECTIONS inluding functional mirrors, self portraits, water paintings, resin arts and many more..
- Reception this Saturday Night, September 1st, 2018.
- 388 S. Stone Avenue Tucson, Arizona
- 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Artists are encouraged to attend the reception, join us for an evening celebration of an all new exhibit. Refreshments will be served.
- “Sonoran Spring” by Gayle Swanbeck
- “On the Spectrum” by Jolene Schafer
Click on the cover above to download your very own version of our newest edition of the Castle Voice! Snail mail versions are out for delivery this week. This quarterly newsletter is your guide to all upcoming event, classes and workshops and ongoing programming at the WomanKraft Art Center. Check it out and enjoy!
Upcoming Events @ WomanKraft!
Summer is HERE and it’s BINGO TIME!
Join us for a nice, refreshing, air-conditioned evening of fun!
Entry is $5 General public, $3 WomanKraft members
Friday, May 25th, 7:00 – 9:00pm
With your entry price you get your 1st Bingo card. Additional cards are $1 each! Traditionally some bingo games have one big prize jackpot, but we are looking to spread the win! We will be playing multiple rounds of bingo with multiple winners. Prizes include plants, art, delicious homemade treats… and more! Come try your luck, in a relaxed, fun and art-filled atmosphere. Enjoy an evening where you can help support your favorite non-profit! We can’t guarantee you a win, but we can guarantee you a good time! Refreshments will be served.
WomanKraft Art Center, 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 629-9976
June 2 – July 28, 2018:
Evening Receptions June 2nd and July 7th, 7-10 PM
Upcoming exhibition: Let’s be creative by recycling with purpose and create artwork made from predominantly recycled plastics. Water bottles, packaging, car parts, toys, plexi-glass, food containers, or any other “disposable” plastic materials that will be hanging around this planet for a long time coming. Art can make a difference, let’s try looking at plastic from a new perspective. Deadline for submissions: May 26th. Interested in exhibiting? Call (520) 629-9976 Ext. 3 for appointments with Director of Exhibits Zoe Rhyne.
The WomanKraft Art Center, a local non-profit grassroots organization, is hosting an all new exhibit featuring local artists. The Exhibit is entitled WASTE NOT WANT NOT, and encourages artist to get creative by recycling with purpose. Featuring artwork made from predominantly recycled plastics like water bottles, packaging, toys, plexi-glass, or any other “disposable” plastic materials that are sure to be on the planet for a long time to come. Art can make a difference, let’s try looking at plastic from a new perspective. If you are interested in exhibiting, the deadline for submissions is May 26th.
WomanKraft Art Center, 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 629-9976
Special Event at WomanKraft featuring the Arizona Historical Society
Saturday, June 9th 1-3 PM.
Here’s a public opportunity to get educated on how archives function and the importance of documenting artwork for posterity. Archivist and librarian Kate Fitzpatrick and colleague Rachel Black will be visiting WomanKraft on Saturday, June 9th from 1-3 pm to share a presentation and and discuss the importance of archives and what AHS does.
Suggested donation: $5 general public, $3 non-members
The WomanKraft Art Center is partnering with the Arizona Historical Society for a special event open to the public about archives. Artists, listen up!! Archives can seem impenetrable to those not familiar with them already, and AHS wants to do as much as they can to educate folks on how archives function and the importance of documenting their work for posterity.
Archivist and librarian Kate Fitzpatrick and colleague Rachael Black will be visiting WomanKraft on Saturday, June 9th from 1-3 PM to share a presentation and discuss the importance of archives and what AHS does. Suggested Donation: $3 Members, $5 Non-members.