For the month of January, only, the gallery is closed.
BUT !!!
we still have amazing things happening down at WomanKraft… Including classes and workshops, and our biggest
our baddest
or MOST outrageously bargained
January 18+19, 2019

The Rummage Sale is WomanKraft’s largest bi-annual fundraiser. While the gallery is closed in January, we spend the whole first half of the month setting up for this event, which takes place indoors. (mmm, nice and cozy shopping weather!)
We have clean, in good condition, working items for sale to everyone for AMAZING prices.
JOIN US on Friday and Saturday, January 18+ 19th from 8AM to 4 PM both days.

What can you find at the RUMMAGE SALE?
Good question! From a huge collection of LP’s, novels, cook books, dishes, ART SUPPLIES, cute shoes, clothes for the whole family, bedding, fancy shmancy decorations, chachkis, household tools, small appliances, furniture… THE LIST GOES ON.
Some super exciting special treats we have for this sale include:
-a red leather electric recliner
-a Chinoiserie Cabinet we think dates back the the 1910-1920’s
-a caterer’s dream kitchen – all KINDS of amazing kitchen necessities (No really – like every utensil and appliance you could possibly imagine, in amazing condition! Plus all the cookbooks you’ll ever need to accomplish your most amazing meal)
-frames, art books, art supplies, craft supplies…
And so much more we couldn’t possibly list it all here!!!
JOIN US January 18th + 19th, 2019 8 AM to 4 PM both days. That’s friday and saturday, folks!

But We need your help!
Our Rummage Sale is just around the corner, and we sure could use some additional helping hands to set up this amazing event!
The sale sprawls across 4+ rooms, and we need volunteers to help set up and display all the goodies that will be for sale. Set up will be Thursday, January 17th from 10 AM until we’re done. If you want to schedule participation, call (520)629-9976 Extension 1.
Thank you!!
PLUS! Setting up means you get first pick of all the amazing, amazing items for sale… Which is like, super exciting. Seriously.
WomanKraft Art Center is hosting a huge indoor RUMMAGE SALE!!
WHERE: 388 S. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
WHEN: Friday, January 18th and Saturday January 19th, both days 8:00 AM -4:00 PM *No early birds!!*
WomanKraft, a 501 (c)3 non-profit arts organization hosts it’s annual largest fundraiser- your greatest bargain of the year, our biggest event!
WHAT: From toys, decorations, collection of art books, fabulous recipe and cookbooks, novels, every kitchen and catering device you may every need, ART SUPPLIES, technology, clothing, shoes, small furniture… there is DEFINITELY something for everyone! THE SALE RUNS Friday and Saturday, January 18 + 19th, 8am – 4pm both days.
Please call (520)629-9976 ext. 1 for details and to schedule participation. Volunteers needed!